
2. Conferencia
2nd E-Mas International Conference
Moving to the future 4.0
Concepts and Technologies for the Transformation of the Mexican Industrial Sector
Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara
20th - 21st February 2020

    The E-Mas Team thanks you for your interest in our event!

    Please register using this online registration form.
    The registration form is personal. Please use a separate registration form for each person to register.

    IMPORTANT: After your successful registration you will receive a confirmation email with the payment details.
    If you do not receive the confirmation email, please contact us immediately.

    It will be a pleasure to welcome you in Jalisco!

    Fields marked with * are required:

    Event Information*:

    Select the events you will attend (The networking event and the company tour are included in the conference price):

    2nd E-Mas International Conference „Moving to the future 4.0 - Concepts and Technologies for the Transformation of the Mexican Industrial Sector“
    3,500.00 MXN (Special Price until 24.01.2020)
    4,200.00 MXN (Special Price until 06.02.2020)
    4,900.00 MXN (Regular price)
    All prices include VAT

    Networking Dinner in Tequila
    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    Company Visit
    Company visit to the Continental Automotive Systems production plantFull capacity
    Company visit to INTEL
    None (I do not wish to participate in a company visit)

    Here you can read more about the program and events

    Personal information:


    First name(s)* :

    Last name(s) * :

    E-Mail * :

    Phone number (With country code):



    Street * :

    Number * :

    Zip Code * :

    City * :

    State * :

    Country * :

    Company details:

    Name of the company * :

    This following section is mandatory if the address used above corresponds to that of a company.

    Position in the company:


    Which of the following topics are of interest to you / on which would you like to receive more information?

    Please mark all of the following workshops which topics you find interesting. YOU CAN MARK MORE THAN ONE.
    This information is for statistical and internal use only.

    Leadership 4.0 for the digital transformation

    Work Design with MTM - today and in the future

    Learning and using Lean methods on the shopfloor

    Training skills in the tooling industry — Industry 4.0

    Mobility Innovation

    Additional information:

    Catering: Are you allergic to any food or do you have any dietary restrictions?

    Booking code:

    If you have a booking code, enter it here
    You will still receive the confirmation email with the payment details, please omit it.

    How did you hear about the conference?:

    In case of recommendation: Who recommended you?

    Anything else you'd like to share with us?

    I have noticed and accept that participants data are stored electronically and processed automatically.

    I agree that the E-Mas program stores my personal data and evaluates my usage data within the scope of this information offer. My personal data and usage data will be used by E-Mas exclusively for sending e-mails and will not be passed on to third parties at any time. I can revoke my consent at any time.Registration to the conference is binding and commits the registered person to the payment of the amount specified above.

         Yes, I would like to subscribe to the E-Mas Newsletter


    By booking in the following hotels you will receive a special price. Just mention the name of the conference when making the reservation.







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